Web development
Web Design
Un buen diseño web es vital para tu negocio. Conseguirás una mejor conversión, posicionamiento y un buen tráfico para tú web. Habitualmente crear una web es un quebradero de cabeza. Precios elevadísimos, diseños poco llamativos, tiempos de esperas excesivos, ¡TODO UN CAOS! Nosotros te ofrecemos un diseño web económico, rápido y siempre bajo tu revisión para lograr que estés orgulloso de como luce tu sitio web!
Ideal for SMEs and local businesses
- Full website
- 3-5 sections
- Content and animations
- Delivery in 2-3 days
- Fast delivery option 24h (+99€)
Ideal for a wide variety of businesses
- Full website
- 5-10 Sections
- Content and animations
- Delivery in 5-7 days
- Fast delivery option 48h (+99€)
Ideal for setting up your own online shop or booking system
- Complete customised website
- Booking system
- Payment platform
- E-commerce
- Delivery in 7-14 days
Web domain
To make our company public on the internet, we need to have a web domain. In addition, this will give us professionalism, trust and loyalty.
Un dominio web consiste en tener un nombre propio a un enlace de internet que nos identifica como empresa/usuario/entidad, etc…
Obtén aquí tú dominio web de forma sencilla y cómoda.
Web optimization
When we have a website with good content and we are thinking about SEO. A fundamental thing that can be overlooked is web optimisation. This could mean that the website basically works well. Fast loading times, being able to access from any platform without problems, encryption with HTTPS, having a consistent and comfortable organisation. Without this, even if we have a very powerful website in terms of content, we are not going to get good results if the customer finds it uncomfortable to navigate the website. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)